
Eq2 fastest way to level
Eq2 fastest way to level

I have not done all tradeskill professions - but my carpenter and provisioner were easy to use the PoI's - but the alchemy writs sometimes have you making 6 different recipes (instead of 2 recipes 3 times) - so you can't use the PoI's on them. If your writ is to make three of the same thing, then three of another thing - you can churn through the writs really fast. Potions of Innovation will complete three combines in 18 seconds (as long as you are quick to start a new combine - get a custom UI like DarqUI* that will allow you to repeat the same recipe with just hitting enter).

eq2 fastest way to level

If you have a tradeskill apprentice, you can use the Potions of Progress and Potions of Innovation to make it faster. Reactions take a percentage of your power, not a fixed value and at low level you regenerate power so fast that your bar will never go down even while spamming reactions. PPS: Forgot to add, that the lowest adventure level your toon is, the easier leveling a tradeskill. PS : Dont forget to spend your aa at lvl 18 ! If you can/want for seasonal event (city festival next month, moonlight enchantments next week.), they often offers easy TS quests that yield substantial xp (moonlight shadow in the darklight wood ring offers a repeatable TS quest that is done in under 1 minute).Īs an exemple, i leveled a provisionner during double xp weekend (without vitality so just x2 xp) in less than 2 days, i was doing it slowly (doing instances with mains when possible). With all of that you should be able to easily get 350-400% xp bonus and rush through writs. With station cash you can buy vitality potions, to get 3x the exp. If your account is old enough, you should be able to claim several xp potions, you can also get xp potions from tradeskill researcher quests (as well as progress potion to make writs even faster).

eq2 fastest way to level

If your main is not lvl 95 jeweler yet, you might want to spent a few time to lvl him to max, you get 20% bonus for each toons at amx level.

eq2 fastest way to level

Just keep spamming the 3 progress reactions to make the process faster. Rush orders, it takes usually 3 to 4 writs (without vitality/exp potions) per level and 5 minutes max per writ.

Eq2 fastest way to level