Thank you very, very much for the Mod's overwhelming reception and 50000+ Downloads! Seal of Approval for following submission guidelines.'> Specific mods - The following specific modifications / mod packs are not allowed: > Hate mod > Undertale repainted > Weedtale The following modifications / mod packs are allowed: > Color Sprite Mod (CSM) The following files may be deleted: > steam_api.dll Code Modifications - > No modification of the game's code is allowed. Silencing a file but still having a file existant is also not allowed, due to confusion and verification issues. > Completely removing an audio file is not allowed. The following is NOT ALLOWED: > Editing sound or audio files inside data.win is not allowed.

Audio Modifications - The following is ALLOWED: > Any audio files found outside of data.win may be replaced or edited. (Example: Making undyne's spears match the hitbox / Changing their color or size) - Text Modifications - > Text modifications of any form is not allowed, even if you used the same amount of characters. (Like in the overworld map) > Changing any attack sprite in battle and in the overworld. (Example: Making Frisk transparent while keeping the outline) > Changing any tiles. (Example: Making Frisk a pixel taller or shorter is *not* allowed) > Making a sprite transparent or invisible. Sprites must have the same pixel composition. Sprites must be identical in shape and size to the original. (Example: CSM) The following is NOT ALLOWED: > Changing the actual size of a sprite. (Example: Changing Frisk to Chara Making Papyrus' scarf blue). Sprite Modification - The following is ALLOWED: > Simple re-colors to *character* sprites. This document will detail the restrictions pertaining to mods in Undertale speedrunning.

Undertale Colored Sprites Mod How To Install.How To Install Undertale Colored Sprite Mod.The Undertale Colored Sprites Mod (only compatible with v1.001). For Undertale on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Colored Battle Sprites Mod released'. Do the UTfonts, sprites and the strings from the colored sprites mod folder, but the data.win thing you gotta go on the Undertale folder on your steamapps/common folder and Data.win and choose that for the mod (Before doing the import and the Data.win part check the Undertale game and see if the read only is unchecked or checked but for me it's been checked so I unchecked it). Like most mods this will require a mix of rePatch and NoNpDrm to work fully. What is the Undertale Remaster project? The Undertale Remaster project will be a fully colored sprite mod for Undertale on the Playstation Vita system. Undyne said You're gonna have to try a little harder than THAT!And I did.You become Lv 12 by doing this:In the ruins you only kill loox and you have to pick.